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Discover Zooana's Guide to Planet Zoo

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About The Blog

Make Your Zoo Your Own

As a zoo gamer for almost 20 years, I am here to help you navigate Frontier's newest management game, Planet Zoo.  I will offer basic tutorials, design guides, and plenty of inspiration to take your zoo to the next level. If you don't have time to spend hours watching professional streamers, this is your place to be.  I hope you find everything you need to make the most out of Planet Zoo. Follow me on twitter @MamaZooana for updates. Enjoy!

*Note: I am not sponsored or affiliated with anyone.  All opinions are my own.

Home: About

Happy Animals, Happy Zoo

Taking care of animals is the key to Planet Zoo. Without happy animals, your guests will become unhappy, you'll start losing money, and...

Keep the Animals In

As appealing as it may be to have a barrier-less zoo where the animals all run free, the fun only lasts so long. Your guests will all...

The Customer is Always Right

Much of the focus of Planet Zoo is spent on making animals happy, however the guests are just as important as they are your sole source...

Workers Make the Zoo Go Round

One of the most essential pieces to a successful zoo. From taking care of the animals to keeping your zoo in tip top shape, your staff...

Getting Started

You've purchased planet zoo, opened it up, watched the cute elephant intro screen. Now what? If you've come from Planet Coaster, you may...

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