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What to do in the Panda-mic Panda-monium.

Updated: Dec 5, 2023

In a very short amount of time, so many of us entered the black void of the quarantine building. You may be finding yourself with plenty of extra time to play Planet Zoo. What can you do to avoid the same old game play and burnout? Here are some ideas to keep you occupied during your isolation.

Beat Career Mode

We're in between community challenges so now is a great time to go through the career

mode levels if you haven't beaten them already. Some of them can be a bit tedious but there are some great builds, and if you're like me, you want that achievement.

Get all Achievements

Speaking of achievements, why not try to complete that goal of getting them all. Get some animals that you haven't done before so you can research to get "zooologist", or open a bunch of franchises to knock out a few.

Start a Leucistic Zoo

Most if not all the animals in Planet Zoo have a white/leucistic/albino variation.

Challenge yourself to make a zoo fully of buying or breeding animals with this variance.

Start a Collaboration

Most of us are practicing what has now been named "social distancing", however thanks to the internet, that doesn't mean we have to be fully isolated. You can start a collaboration, either with local friends or community members around the world. As a member of the Animal Kingdom Co-Op, I can fully say that working with others on a zoo is both fun and inspirational. Seeing what others have done has given me inspiration in my own zoos, and coming up with something inspirational has really challenged me as well.

For our collaboration, we create a zoo in sandbox. Then if you go to "My Zoos", you have the option to upload it to sandbox. We can continue to pass back and forth in this method, adding our own flavor as well as helping to improve on others ideas as well. We also use discord to communicate about zoo plans, and just chat in general. Find what works best for your group and have fun.

Catch up on Content

Whether you're working from home and have something on in the background, or you're home with no work and lots of time, there are hundreds of videos out there. Play catch up, get some ideas, learn something new, and support our community YouTubers and Streamers. Maybe you can catch your favorite streamers that are normally on while you are at work or school. You can find a list of streamers on my resource page.

Virtual Zoo Tours

Many zoos have closed their gates for the foreseeable future to protect staff, guests, and animals. In lieu of zoo visits, many are giving virtual insights into their zoos with Facebook live videos and more. There are also many YouTube videos providing tours of zoos around the world. These are fabulous sources of inspiration for your Planet Zoos.

There are tons of other things you can do. Try things you haven't done before i.e. a different game mode, an animal you haven't done, a style of building you haven't tried. Find a feature, building, or zoo in real life and try to duplicate it. Pick a blueprint from the workshop and pull it apart to see how it was made. Add a blueprint of your own, your stuff is better than you think it is. Have fun with the game, and stay safe in

this crazy world.

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